Revise Franchise Results

Franchising Six Month Recap

Franchising Six Month Recap

By August 3, 2016

The year is more than half over, and is taking a look at the success the franchising industry has had over the past six months.

So far franchising has added a total of 134,700 jobs in 2016.

The ADP Research Institute reports the United States put 40,700 employees to work in June which was a significant increase from May’s numbers reportedly adding 19,400 jobs.  The following industries had increases from the May figures: restaurants, auto parts & dealers, business services, accommodations and real estate. The restaurant industry had the largest increase adding 16,300 more jobs in June than in May, which equates to a 97% increase over May. To view available restaurant franchises and business opportunities in your area, tap here.

The only industry which did not see an increase in June was food retailers. However, the last time food retailers saw a decrease was Sept 2014.

Reviewing last year’s data, there was a spike in June as well as July and December 2015 so this year seems to be following the same pattern. The wave is attributed to the fact that many of the jobs being created during those months are in retail and restaurants since seasonal employment increases in June and July and holiday-related employment increases in December.

The table below demonstrates the US franchise employment growth over the past six months, (source: ADP National Franchise Reports).

2016 Franchising employment growth chart

This kind of job increase is credited to franchises which are continuing to increase in market share in the economy.  Educated consumers are more likely to choose a well-known brand.  You too can be a part of this industry, have your own staff and make a difference in the lives of others while increasing your income. To view the full list of available businesses for sale, tap here.

About ADP

The ADP National Franchise Report is published by the ADP Research Institute(R), a specialized group within ADP which provides insights around employment trends and workforce strategy, in collaboration with Moody’s Analytics, Inc.

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